Wuri is a washing station in the Worka Kebele within Gedeb District, not far from Yirga Cheffe. In fact, because of the close proximity and general similarities in cup flavor profiles, coffee from this region is often traded as “Yirga Cheffe”. The wet mill buys coffee from more than 1500 growers in the surrounding region, most with 1 – 2 hectares of coffee planted near their homes. These are what we consider to be “small scale” farmers, and coffee is usually only one of several subsistence crops grown. The landscape in Worka is dramatic, with highland regions starting at just over 2000 meters above sea level and topping out at 2300 meters. High altitude has a positive effect on coffee density, and also can affect the size of the beans. This is a fully washed coffee, with fermentation times between 36 and 48 hours, and around 2 weeks to dry the coffee.
Acidity: Bright
Body: Light
Altitude: 2000-2300 masl
Process: Washed
Varietal: Ethiopia Heirlooms: 100%
Producers: Wuri Washing Station
What We Taste: Black Currant, Orange Marmalade, Jasmine
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